ACUUS is actively engaged in the promotion of underground space and its conferences are a focal point for discussion and exchange of ideas between all stakeholders of urban underground space, city planning, geotechnical engineers, architects and constructors. The start of the ACUUS conference series goes back to the 80's and, a world conference is held every two years to provide a platform for knowledge exchange and sharing of experiences on the applications of underground space and other technical subjects. Up to now, 18 conferences have been taken place in various cities worldwide. The list of these conference is given below with links that can guide you to the relevant conference web page.
17th Conference – Helsinki – 2021
Conferences16th Conference – Hong Kong – 2018
Conferences15th Conference – Saint Petersburg – 2016
Conferences14th Conference – Seoul – 2014
Conferences13th Conference – Singapore – 2012
Conferences12th Conference – Shenzhen – 2009
Conferences11th Conference – Athens – 2007
Conferences10th Conference – Moscow – 2005
Conferences9th Conference – Torino – 2002
Conferences8th Conference – Xi’An – 1999
Conferences7th Conference – Montreal – 1997
Conferences6th Conference – Paris – 1995
The cataloging and indexing of the papers published in the ACUUS conference proceedings has been made by Prof. R.L. Sterling.
In the links you can download and find all the papers sorted either by conference or by author. The contents lists are given in pdf format and each individual paper listing includes its full citation information.
List of ACUUS Conferences - 1983 to date...
1. Sydney, 1983: Energy efficient buildings with earth shelter protection. August 1-6, Australia.
2. Minneapolis, 1986: Advances in geotectural design: Second International earth sheltered buildings Conference, June 16-19. U.S.A.
3. Shanghai, 1988: New developments of underground space use, Tongji University, China.
4. Tokyo, 1991: Urban Underground Utilization '91: 4th International Conference on underground space and earth sheltered buildings, Underground Space Center of Japan, December 3-, Japan.
5. Delft, 1992: International Conference on Underground Space and Earth Sheltered Structures, Delft University, August 3-5, Netherlands.
6. Paris, 1995: Underground Space and Urban Planning, Laboratoire Théorie des Mutations Urbaines, Institut Fran ais d'Urbanisme, September 26-29, France.
7. Montreal, 1997: Underground Space: Indoor Cities of Tomorrow, Urban Planning Department of the City of Montreal, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, Canada
8. Xi'An, 1999: Agenda and Prospect of the Underground Space for the Turn of the Century, College of Architecture, Xi'An University of Architecture and Technology, September 27-30, China.
9. Torino, 2002: Urban Underground Space: a Resource for Cities, Politecnico di Torino and the Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente, November 14-16, Italy.
10. Moscow, 2005: Underground Space: Economy and Environment, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, January 24-28, Russia.
11. Athens, 2007: Underground Space: Expanding the Frontiers, Lab. of Mining and Environmental Technology, National Technical University of Athens, September 10-13, Greece.
12. Shenzhen, 2009: Using the Underground of Cities: for a Harmonious and Sustainable Urban Environment, Shenzhen Municipal Government & Underground Space Sub-society of CSRME, November 18-19, China.
13. Singapore, 2012: Underground Space Development – Opportunities and Challenges, Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology (Singapore) and the Protective Technology Research Centre of Nanyang Technological University, November 7-9, Singapore.
14. Seoul, 2014: Underground Space: Planning, Administration and Design Challenges, Research Center for Urban Underground Space (RCUUS) and Korea Institute of Building Construction, September 24-26, S. Korea.
15. Saint Petersburg, 2016: Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequiste for Sustainable Development", Association of Underground Builders, September 12-15, Russia.
16. Hong Kong, 2018: Integrated Underground Solutions for Compact Metropolitan Cities, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Hong Kong Geotechnical Engineering Society, November 4-8, Hong Kong.
17. Helsinki, 2021: Deep inspiration, virtual conference, Finnish Association of Civil Engineers, February 3-4, Finland.
18. Singapore, 2023: Underground Space – the Next Frontier, Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology - SRMEG (Singapore), 1-4 November 2023, Singapore.