14th World Conference – Seoul 2014 : “Planning, Administration and Design Challenges”

The 14th World Conference of ACUUS was held in Seoul from 24th to 26th September 2014. Planning, Administration and Design Challenges for Underground Space was the main theme and as being truly international in nature, was an opportunity for eminent research scholars and scientists from around the world to contribute to the wide range of scientific programs focusing on the legal and management challenges for underground space use and their accompanying planning and design issues. More particularly the conference covered the following main topics:

  • Legal and administrative issues
  • Architecture and design
  • Civil engineering
  • Technology
  • Human Issues & Environment
  • Planning
  • Sustainability
  • Geoengineering
  • Applications

The Conference had a great success with participants from 23 countries that were able to listen to six keynote speakers, including the French architect Dominique Perrault, and the Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata, and to more than 90 experts on topics related to the underground space, as diverse as Urban planning, Economy, Construction and management, Safety and prevention, Underground networks and transportation, Energy and sustainability, Policies, administration and legal issues, Civil and geotechnical engineering, Architecture, art and human issues, Caverns and railways, as well as Tunnels. The Conference concluded with a Round Table discussion on Sinkholes and ground subsidence, a worldwide problem, with examples of several cities around the world, including Seoul, Montreal, and many American cities.

The Proceedings are available freely for ACUUS members. Please contact the Secretariat for having them distributed.


14th Conference – Seoul – 2014

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