The 19th Conference of the Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS 2025) will be held in Belgrade, as this has been decided during the ACUUS 2023 Conference in Singapore.
University of Belgrade (UB), the School of Transport and Traffic Engineering of the University of Belgrade (FTTE), the Urban Institute of Belgrade (URBEL) and the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia (IAUS) will organize and be the hosts of the ACUUS 2025 BELGRADE Conference,
Main aim of the Conference is to engage with all stakeholders in an open and constructive discussion about the further development and improvement of the use of the UUS and its progress towards its recognition and implementation in the current municipal and legislative systems. It is certain that an adequately planned and utilized UUS contributes to the creation of a sustainable, resilient and livable urban environment, which can respond to many challenges a modern city would face including the urban population growth, impacts of climate change, environmental issues, and others.
The proposed theme of the Conference is “UNDERGROUND MOBILITY AND ELEVATED THINKING: NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES IN THE USE OF UNDERGROUND URBAN SPACE” and it will emphasize on the issues related to swift transportation trough underground infrastructure and in new potential used of underground space, along with its integration to the city functions.
The entire conference is accredited and the best contributions in form of technical papers will be published in Tunneling and Underground Space Technology (TUST) Journal.
For more information and news about the conference you can visit the ACUUS 2025 BELGRADE Conference website